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Interim Services

At Zebroid Marketing we recognise that many business managers are so involved

Interim Services

Photo by Frans Van Heerden from Pexels

in the daily operation of their company that no time is left to revisit the strategic direction of the business. We look to provide business analysis, advice and hands-on support that helps our clients to move forward without having to take their eyes ‘off the ball’ in terms of the daily routine.

Our core experience comes from many years spent at Board level in multi-national businesses. These companies are successful because they plan, review, revise, revitalise and communicate – and this is no accident.

The value of interim experience at senior level has long been recognised as an asset in major businesses; and we believe that this expertise should be available to all businesses; and that it should be structured to meet specific needs. This might be full business planning for a start-up company or a strategic review for an established business; plans for a business move or restructure; or management support in a time of change or crisis.

Whatever your needs in this area, Zebroid Marketing can provide relevant support alongside hands-on services that help you to achieve your business goals. We work alongside our clients – often as an integrated member of their management team – to ensure that the targets set are met with the minimum disruption to the daily running of the client company.

 “Great companies don’t hire skilled people and motivate them, they hire already motivated people and inspire them”

Simon Sinek, author of “Start with Why” and “Together is Better”

Discuss your requirements now on 07966 192597
or you can use this form and we will call you back.

    “The feedback we get from clients about the profile of our business is amazing and this would not have been achieved without Karen”
    Amanda Nurse, co-founder Carterwood Ltd

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